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Drone Education Centre supplies Registered Training Facilities (RTFs), Qualified Entities (QEs) and more than 20 vocational schools in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium with EASA compliant learning materials (from hardcover textbooks to full-scale online learning management systems). Looking at what EASA demands and combining that with what your drone school wants to offer additionally, we select practical and theory training modules from our remote pilot training framework (rptf).

Drone Education Centre also offers online proctored examination that is EASA compliant. Optionally, we fully train one or two pilots of your organisation to the highest level at our facility in the Netherlands (former marine naval airbase Valkenburg), to act as senior instructors for in-house training. Instructor training content is optionally available as stand-alone on request to get you started.

Note: if a drone school is not recognised by a national aviation authority, all learning materials and exams must be clearly marked with the credentials of a qualified entity that has provided the learning materials and is supervised by the national aviation authority. This ensures that students receive EASA compliant courses and exams.

All our content can be hosted in your own white label drone academy with your look and feel (example: We work with Moodle, the world’s largest learning management system and can provide you with instructions to create your own training and setup exams for internal staff independently. It all starts with going through our DTF and determining the required scope for EASA and operations-related training. Please contact us for further assistance or look at our remote pilot training framework here.