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If you are part of a professional organisation looking to train your remote pilots, or a drone school looking for EASA compliant learning content, look no further.

Drone Education Centre has been developing EASA compliant remote pilot textbooks, exams, and customised online learning environments since 2016. Founded in 2012 as a drone operator, we later became a Registered Training Facility (RTF) and Qualified Entity (QE, governmental accredited academy). Since then we have been developing in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience as an operator, school, consultant, and finally as a remote pilot textbook publishing house.

From hardcover textbooks about drone design, materials and construction, to full-scale pilot courses. Not only covering all that EASA requires for flying in the Specific Category, but also handbook and currency training, EASA endorsement modules and operation-related remote pilot training. It is all available in textbooks, as a tailored online white label academy, or as the client desires. There are also instructor training modules available, including hundreds of instructor slides and detailed instructions about training remote pilots.


When applying for operational authorisation from the national aviation authority, in most cases, remote pilots are not required to be trained by a recognised school (RTF or QE). The operator is allowed to train and examine their remote pilots themselves. This does not apply for the EASA Open Category, or for standard scenario (STS) training. Those are reserved for QEs. When applying for an operational authorization, the operator declares that their remote pilots are sufficiently trained to safely carry out all operations described in the operations manual.

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Drone Education Centre supplies Registered Training Facilities (RTFs), Qualified Entities (QEs) and more than 20 vocational schools in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium with EASA compliant learning materials (from hardcover textbooks to full-scale online learning management systems). Looking at what EASA demands and combining that with what your drone school wants to offer additionally, we select practical and theory training modules from our remote pilot training framework (rptf).

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